Introducing Qwiet AI AutoFix! Reduce the time to secure code by 95% Read More


Gary Davis

Gary Davis brings decades of executive experience canvassing sales, marketing, and products for technology and cybersecurity companies. Prior to joining Qwiet AI, Davis was Chief Cybersecurity Evangelist at McAfee/Intel Security where he bridged the marketing and monetization functions to drive double digit growth at a time when the core market was experiencing flat to low single-digit growth. As a sought after speaker and presenter, he has appeared on all major broadcast networks and radio channels and has been quoted in mainstream media outlets covering breaking cybersecurity topics. He is the author of, Is Your Digital Front Door Unlocked? Your Key to Privacy and Security in the Digital Age, a book that offers a cradle to grave look at how we all amass a data lake online along with steps we can take to control it.

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